Substance Abuse: 775-825-HELP

Super Parents Supervise

Self-care – the act of taking action to preserve or improve one’s own health and protecting one’s own well-being and happiness.

What is Super Parents Supervise?

Super Parents Supervise is an educational opportunity for parents to learn about:

The various places their teens could be hiding drugs and alcohol.

  • How to spot the signs that their teen might be interested in drugs.
  • How to talk to their teen about drugs and alcohol and help prevent usage.

All of this is done through an instructional booklet and a mock teenage bedroom. Walking through the mock bedroom provides parents with hands on experience identifying stash containers and deadly drugs.

When Can I attend a Super Parents Supervise event?

Contact our Prevention Education Specialists at 775-324-7557 or &

If you are unable to attend a Super Parents Supervise event, but would still like the information, download the booklet.