Substance Abuse: 775-825-HELP

Local Use Data

Self-care – the act of taking action to preserve or improve one’s own health and protecting one’s own well-being and happiness.

  • The most recent data available indicate alcohol use is higher in Washoe County among high school students, college students, and adults compared to national rates.
  • In 2017, 35.2% of high school students in Washoe County indicated they had lived with someone who was a problem drinker, alcoholic, or abuser of street or prescription drugs. This was higher than data for the state of Nevada.
  • One in five (20.5%) adults in Washoe County reported binge drinking in the past 30 days and 9.1% were classified as heavy drinkers. Both binge and heavy drinking rates in Washoe County were higher than Nevada and the United States.
  • Most recent data indicate marijuana use is higher among all measured populations (middle school students, high school students, college students, and adults) in Washoe County compared to the United States.
  • In 2017, nearly half (47.8%) of high school students in Washoe County reported they had used e- cigarettes at least once in their life, and one in five (21.8%) had used e-cigarettes or vape pens in the past 30 days. Both lifetime and current e-cigarette use among youth were higher than reported current use among adults in Washoe County and higher compared to Nevada and the United States.
  • In 2017, 14.8% of high school students in Washoe County reported they had used prescription drugs without a doctor’s prescription at least once in their lifetime. Tenth graders had the highest proportion of misuse at 17.9%.


For more information, read our 2018 Comprehensive Community Prevention Plan.

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