Substance Abuse: 775-825-HELP

You and Your Child Can Survive the After School Five

Studies have shown that after school during the five hours between 3 p.m. and 8 p.m. a large percentage of youth engage in risky behaviors when unsupervised by an adult. These risky behaviors may include experimenting with alcohol, drugs, sex and violence.

How can you help your child manage the big FIVE?

  • Research after school activities your child would enjoy. You may want to consider the YMCA, Boys and Girls Club of Truckee Meadows and other community-based programs.
  • Establish a system of communication. For example, if your child arrives home at 3:30 p.m., call to make sure she has arrived safely.
  • Briefly discuss the school day and determine what chores or responsibilities are to be done before you get home.
  • Engage family and friends to help. Participate in after school carpools and supervision.
  • Establish after school rules and safety restrictions to which you and your child both agree. Examples:
    •  Do not permit friends in the house before you get home from work
    • Program your cable television to restrict access to certain channels,
    • Instruct your child to screen all phone calls and to not respond to unexpected visitors.