Substance Abuse: 775-825-HELP


Positive Action – A school-based social emotional learning program for students in elementary and middle schools to increase positive behavior, reduce negative behavior, and improve social and emotional learning and school climate.
Scope: Youth Ages 13 – 17

One-to-One Mentoring – A community mentoring program which matches a volunteer adult mentor to an at-risk child or adolescent to delay or reduce antisocial behaviors; improve academic success, attitudes and behaviors, peer, and family relationships; strengthen self-concept; and provide social and cultural enrichment.
Scope: Youth Ages 6 – 18

Positive Action – A school-based social emotional learning program for students in elementary and middle schools to increase positive behavior, reduce negative behavior, and improve social and emotional learning and school climate.
Scope: Youth Ages 6 – 14

Project Northland – A multi-level program designed to reduce teen alcohol use through classroom curricula, peer leadership, youth-driven extra-curricular activities, parent involvement programs, and community activism.
Scope: Youth Ages 12 – 24

Basics – A brief motivational intervention for high-risk college students that uses alcohol screening and feedback to reduce problem, excessive, and binge drinking by enhancing motivation to change, promoting healthier choices, reviewing myths and facts about alcohol, and teaching coping skills to moderate drinking.
Scope: Ages 18 – 24

SPORT Prevention Plus Wellness 

A health promotion program that highlights the positive image benefits of an active lifestyle to reduce the use of alcohol, tobacco, and drug use by high school students in addition to improving their overall physical health.
Scope: Youth Ages 11 – 12