Substance Abuse: 775-825-HELP


We realize there are many worthwhile causes and organizations seeking your support. JTNN is a 501(c)3 organization, and your donation to JTNN may be tax deductible pursuant to the provisions of section 170(c) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, 26 U.S.C. § 170(c). We thank you for your gift.

Matching Gift Programs – Many corporations match their employees contributions to eligible nonprofit, 501(c)(3) organizations. If your company has an existing matching gift program, remember Join Together Northern Nevada when you make your next donation.

Memorials and Honorariums – A wonderful way for family and friends to honor the memory of their loved one is through a memorial or honorarium. The names of those memorialized or honored will be listed on our web site. Remember Join Together Northern Nevada when you want to honor a loved one.

Planned Gifts – By including Join Together Northern Nevada in your estate plan, you can help ensure quality substance abuse programs and outreach in the future. Planned gifts can be structured to provide you with tax advantages and a life income. Remember Join Together Northern Nevada when you draft your will, fund a trust or establish a charitable gift annuity.

If you would like to donate via mail, please send your check to:

Join Together Northern Nevada
505 S. Arlington Ave., Suite 110
Reno, NV 89509

If you have any questions about donating online or by mail, please call our office at 775-324-7557.